March 14, 2025
Man who “died for five minutes” to run the Newport marathon

Man who “died for five minutes” to run the Newport marathon

Grant dirigera le marathon ABP Newport avec un énorme groupe <i> (Image: ABP Newport Marathon) </i>“” Bad-src = “–/yxbwawq9aglnagxhbmrlcjt3ptk 2mdtopty0ma-/https: // ” src = “–/yxbwawq9aglnagxhbmrlcjt3ptk2md Topty0ma-/https: // “/><button class=

Grant will direct the ABP Newport marathon with a huge group (Image: ABP Newport Marathon)

A man “deceased for five minutes” should face the ABP Newport marathon.

Grant Williams, 53, suffered two heart stops during training in Liverpool on March 9, 2024.

He was preparing for the Manchester marathon with friends when he collapsed in Mile 11.

His group immediately started the thoracic compressions and found a defibrillator.

Two doctors on leave, Mel Hamilton and Joe Clarkson, witnessed the incident and resumed the RCR.

Mr. Williams, a fitness instructor in Liverpool, who grew up in Newport, said: “It was the luckiest race to die in the fact that there were two doctors in the region as well as a challenge.

Grant had two heart stops (Image: ABP Newport Marathon)

“I don’t remember anything, but I was told that I had stopped twice and that my heart stopped for five minutes.

“The group continued to do the RCR until the arrival of an ambulance.

“I am indebted to all those who helped.”

After being stabilized in the hospital, he had a quadruple cardiac bridge and was released on March 31, 2024, taking over training as soon as he was able.

He said, “When I suffered my operation, I couldn’t even climb the stairs without trying myself and feeling like I had to go to bed.

“But fortunately, I recovered well.”

With the approval of his consultant in October, he will now participate in the ABP Newport marathon on April 13.

He said: “There will be 45 of us participate in the day of my gymnasium, including the group of eight who ran with me when I had my cardiac arrest and the two doctors who saved my life.

“I do not worry what something happens again.

“My consultant said I agree.”

He will collect funds for the Liverpool Heart and Chest hospital and promote the importance of the defibrillators and the RCR.

He said, “There is no chance that I would be here without it.”

Matt Newman, Director General of Run 4 Wales event organizers, said: “We are impatient to welcome Grant and his team of runners in his hometown of Newport for the ABP Newport Marathon festival in April.”

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