March 14, 2025
Exorcist Shares His Most Terrifying Cases That ‘prove’ The Devil Exists

Exorcist Shares His Most Terrifying Cases That ‘prove’ The Devil Exists

Father Carlos Martins, a Catholic priest who has dedicated nearly two decades to the ministry, has shared several exorcism cases that reinforced his belief in the reality of the Devil.

With nearly 20 years of experience in spiritual service, teaching, and conducting exorcisms, Father Martins has gained recognition as a leading expert in exorcism, demonology, and spiritual warfare, as detailed on his official website.

Over the years, Father Martins has been credited with helping free individuals from dark forces across the globe. Still, some particular cases have deeply impacted him, reinforcing his conviction in the existence of evil forces.

A Violent Exorcism

One of Father Carlos Martins’ most intense experiences occurred during an exorcism in which he witnessed a possessed woman demonstrate terrifying strength. He recounted that she was able to lift a man attempting to restrain her and throw him across the room as though he were weightless.

While it’s not uncommon for individuals to struggle or react violently when held down, Martins believes this instance went beyond mere adrenaline or human strength. He pointed out that the man she threw was over six feet tall and weighed more than 300 pounds, making it virtually impossible for her to have done so under normal conditions.

As the exorcism intensified, Martins described a shocking moment: “The woman pointed her finger at the light switch on the wall, which was about twelve feet away. One of the screws holding the cover plate unscrewed itself and flew into her open hand.”

Then, to Martins’ horror, the woman drove the screw into her left forearm. “Later in the same session, she struck me in the face with such force that I required two surgeries to repair the damage to my skull,” he recalled.

After witnessing these events, Martins came to a chilling conclusion: “The Devil is real.”

The Case of the Firefighter

Another case that deeply reinforced Martins’ belief in demonic possession involved a firefighter named Jeremy, who sought help at Martins’ church. At the time, Jeremy was in his late 20s and suffering from strange

blackouts and unexplained injuries.

Despite these unsettling experiences, Jeremy was described as polite and gentle. After some conversation, Martins learned that when Jeremy was eight years old, he had used a Ouija board. He believed this moment marked the beginning of his disturbing experiences.

Jeremy shared that after using the board, he saw a dark figure standing in his bedroom, unlike anything he had ever witnessed. “The figure was so dark that, even with the lights off, everything else in the room seemed illuminated as if it were daytime,” Martins recalled. “It had a human body, but a cat’s head.”

Jeremy claimed the figure spoke to him, offering to grant him anything he desired in exchange for his soul. His only wish was to become a firefighter.

When Martins handed Jeremy a book with a drop of Holy Water on the cover, something extraordinary happened. As soon as Jeremy touched it, his body arched backward unnaturally, and he screamed, “F**k you, priest! He is mine. He gave himself to me. You will never have him!”

In that moment, Martins realized that he was no longer speaking to Jeremy, but to something far more sinister. Determined to help, Martins commanded, “In the name of Jesus, I command you to bring forth Jeremy.”

He urged Jeremy to renounce the entity and accept Jesus as his Lord. According to Martins, this defiant act was what ultimately drove the demon away.

Father Martins has shared these experiences, along with others, in his book The Exorcist Files: True Stories About the Reality of Evil and How to Destroy It. Despite his extensive experience, he admits that his work is far from easy.

Reflecting on his career, he said, “Though it is a joy to do this work, I have never enjoyed meeting the Devil and his minions.”

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